What to do when alone on Molly?

Brooke Shields

Patrick Tomlinson hates me because I am a woman
not gonna get into why & know I'm gonna have a good time no matter what, u got recommendations?

I'm debating going on Fortnite to have fun trying to help kids win even though I'm terrible & my only asset is playing like a pussy to make it to the end.

Thanks checkin out

Brooke Shields

Patrick Tomlinson hates me because I am a woman
Does Molly feel better than oxy?
@LockedHDD__Pot , comment? @FezFuckedBabyLove , comment? @World Wide Web Wyyzrd , comment?
Was gonna @ cuntfucker but he'd just be mean to me

Molly is is euphoric, talkative, I just wanna thank everyone.
Need gum for grinding teeth, all I have is some chinese caffeine stuff so this'll be fun

no idea on oxy, love this song

Okay gonna leave before more embarrassment thanks guys
Does Molly feel better than oxy?
Completely different feeling so difficult to compare. Molly is much more sociable & nice for connecting with people whereas oxy is more of a lonely inward-facing buzz (albeit in a nice way).

As for being alone on molly; enjoy some music & practice some dance moves, call some friends who wont mind you opening your heart to. A lot depends on your personality & what you're into.

I haven't had molly for a while, lovely stuff & if I had any knocking around I'd join you


Go to a techno club or something, bro. You don’t do molly by yourself, that’s psychotic.


#1 Poster
Go to a techno club or something, bro. You don’t do molly by yourself, that’s psychotic.
This! And my axe! I'm going to keep this short.... MDMA wears off after a few hours so get a taxi to the nearest dancefloor now! MDMA is the only drug that reliably used to make me vomit on the come-up, incredibly powerful shit, but I haven't done it in about ten years, and you're probably snorting meth. My road to recovery has been a long one. I will get a number for a sponsor. You need professional help. Let's talk tomorrow once you're sober. Go tell a chubby girl you want to eat her fish pie. Do anything other than post on this cesspit of a forum occupied by low IQ sociopaths. ATB.

Brooke Shields

Patrick Tomlinson hates me because I am a woman
This! And my axe! I'm going to keep this short.... MDMA wears off after a few hours so get a taxi to the nearest dancefloor now! MDMA is the only drug that reliably used to make me vomit on the come-up, incredibly powerful shit, but I haven't done it in about ten years, and you're probably snorting meth. My road to recovery has been a long one. I will get a number for a sponsor. You need professional help. Let's talk tomorrow once you're sober. Go tell a chubby girl you want to eat her fish pie. Do anything other than post on this cesspit of a forum occupied by low IQ sociopaths. ATB.
Words of wisdom CF, sorry for not @ ing you