what the fuck is this



If anyone is a Munsters fan I'd highly recommend the TV movie from the 90s called 'Here Come the Munsters'... The characters are all played by different actors, but they did an amazing job! It keeps the comedy of the TV show and adds a little more, it's fun to watch!!!
The 90s? I appreciate the suggestion, but as a millennial, I don't think I'd get it.
The 90s? I appreciate the suggestion, but as a millennial, I don't think I'd get it.
I'm only 30 myself, use to watch all the old tv shows and movies because my dad was an older man when he had me, but if you ever saw and liked the show from the 60s, you'd like the TV movie...


yep yep yep yep yep
I'm only 30 myself, use to watch all the old tv shows and movies because my dad was an older man when he had me, but if you ever saw and liked the show from the 60s, you'd like the TV movie...
Holy shit are you looking to produce a heir and the only one available is a 13 years old

Lamont & Tonelli

Brevity is... wit.
I liked House of 1000 Corpses, it's like a haunted mansion ride at the fairgrounds. The other two were boring tryhard shit with a few okay performances. Didn't seen his Halloween. This seems like a good property for Rob, it's campy as fuck and only Boomers who watched it as kids and their kids who watched reruns in the 80s will care. Edit to clarify: I hope it will be fun, but I'm not holding my breath.
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Smeckler's Powder

Sweet powder eases the pain
I fucking hate remakes. I hate extra Star Warses too. "that original is so good we wanted to pay tribute to it." Fuck that. Wanna direct people to the original? Buy them a blew Ray. These remakes are really for erasing the past(passed?) and are mega distasteful. Frozen? More like "Frozen Head."