- Forum Clout
- -4
These latest forumwide bashings of Bonnie and Sue Lightning calls to The DMIND many instances of others being dragged behind a truck for all to see...
There were those 2 girls who posted their pictures, the first one was a shapely little white lady sitting in her flophouse kitchen with her roommates, this was a few days after Thanksgiving and they had turkey on the stove still, which of course was commented on. And she felt the need to defend herself by saying "Actually we were feeding it to the dog, since you have to know hun" To which someone replied "Nice comeback, obvious waitress." Then the other woman who posted herself was the blond brawd who resembled librarian Edie McClurg in a blond wig. She deleted it when everyone poked fun at her looks and didn't think she was hot. Meanwhile, Mrs. Chipperson (or whatever her name was) remained unscathed.
P-Titty went after The DMAN with his incessant Cumia race rants, and ended up deleting himself in shame after admitting his best friend was black and he himself was a half slice mulattah MONGREL race.
SpitItOutSocratesx aka ItsMyDealWade who was like a less consistently funny Abe in terms of his comedic forum voice. He was a good hand, but he let his demons get the best of him. He went after The DMAN, and it didn't end too nicely for him, did it? Ask Meagan Dixen wha happin.
Dan Mullen was championed by forum regulars and then shunned once he stopped putting them on his fawkin hang. He is now living in his own little world, presumably talking about That Patrick Guy... And supposedly he mentioned The DMAN and tried to dox him years ago or something? The DHOUSE never noticed.
BOQ, as we all know, has had his shame spirals and lashing out at a general group of people with his back against a wall. Saying whatever he feels he needs to say to spew venom to make the mean group of men go away. The real question remains. Why did he photoshop that manual? Nice 2020, STUPID
Meownaw was unceremoniously run off the forums by the new southern states television champion MustardsAffectation, who had a very rough start to his career with piss poor posts and generally awful bits in his attempts to emulate CuntFucker (the true forum heel champion.) Mustard has developed into a natural heel for the territory. His loser leaves town feud with Meownaw increased his standing in the eyes of the jabrones, and he has only cemented that reputation by his current work with BonnieMacfarlane'sAsshole, and others. ...But what about CuntFucker...?
Ray Wilson has recently been challenged by another user also claiming to be Ray Wilson. This is a classic case of identity theft, or an identity crisis... we're not sure which one is genuine. The attacks have been so vicious that your reporter theorizes it may be a Mustard Alt... Speculate Speculate
These forum individuals are too strong willed and cannot be placed in any barrel, cannot be shot in any aforementioned barrel once placed within, and are immune to any bullets by ONAForum jabrones who try badmouthing these legends.
Abe's latest manic episode seems to be coming to a close, which means his more violent and irrational musings will be 'put on the shelf' for a while until his seasonal depression kicks those thoughts back into high gear. We will all be anticipating their return because it's almost like a holiday to come on and hear about his day-dream fantasies of murdering people for showy behavior like "look mom, no hands!" on a bike. Or a doordash gone wrong.
Stent is now a moderator, and as he is in the klique with Abe he is obviously not going to have any truth spoken to his power by the caliber of jabrones and jamokes walking the forums these days. There was a time where we doxxed our own mod for stealing vaporizers. Don't forget where you came from Stent, ribs terrorist.
CuntFucker, the worldwide heavyweight champion of the forums, undisputed and uncontested. He's ALWAYS been The DMAN's Champion!
The DMAN, the free space in bingo, for the "goes without saying" factor.
aRTIE doesn't seem to be capable of being struck by bullets. All attacks on him simply bounce off. He's still buttah.
Now, The DMAN is going to hang up and listen to your answer.
There were those 2 girls who posted their pictures, the first one was a shapely little white lady sitting in her flophouse kitchen with her roommates, this was a few days after Thanksgiving and they had turkey on the stove still, which of course was commented on. And she felt the need to defend herself by saying "Actually we were feeding it to the dog, since you have to know hun" To which someone replied "Nice comeback, obvious waitress." Then the other woman who posted herself was the blond brawd who resembled librarian Edie McClurg in a blond wig. She deleted it when everyone poked fun at her looks and didn't think she was hot. Meanwhile, Mrs. Chipperson (or whatever her name was) remained unscathed.
P-Titty went after The DMAN with his incessant Cumia race rants, and ended up deleting himself in shame after admitting his best friend was black and he himself was a half slice mulattah MONGREL race.
SpitItOutSocratesx aka ItsMyDealWade who was like a less consistently funny Abe in terms of his comedic forum voice. He was a good hand, but he let his demons get the best of him. He went after The DMAN, and it didn't end too nicely for him, did it? Ask Meagan Dixen wha happin.
Dan Mullen was championed by forum regulars and then shunned once he stopped putting them on his fawkin hang. He is now living in his own little world, presumably talking about That Patrick Guy... And supposedly he mentioned The DMAN and tried to dox him years ago or something? The DHOUSE never noticed.
BOQ, as we all know, has had his shame spirals and lashing out at a general group of people with his back against a wall. Saying whatever he feels he needs to say to spew venom to make the mean group of men go away. The real question remains. Why did he photoshop that manual? Nice 2020, STUPID
Meownaw was unceremoniously run off the forums by the new southern states television champion MustardsAffectation, who had a very rough start to his career with piss poor posts and generally awful bits in his attempts to emulate CuntFucker (the true forum heel champion.) Mustard has developed into a natural heel for the territory. His loser leaves town feud with Meownaw increased his standing in the eyes of the jabrones, and he has only cemented that reputation by his current work with BonnieMacfarlane'sAsshole, and others. ...But what about CuntFucker...?
Ray Wilson has recently been challenged by another user also claiming to be Ray Wilson. This is a classic case of identity theft, or an identity crisis... we're not sure which one is genuine. The attacks have been so vicious that your reporter theorizes it may be a Mustard Alt... Speculate Speculate
These forum individuals are too strong willed and cannot be placed in any barrel, cannot be shot in any aforementioned barrel once placed within, and are immune to any bullets by ONAForum jabrones who try badmouthing these legends.
Abe's latest manic episode seems to be coming to a close, which means his more violent and irrational musings will be 'put on the shelf' for a while until his seasonal depression kicks those thoughts back into high gear. We will all be anticipating their return because it's almost like a holiday to come on and hear about his day-dream fantasies of murdering people for showy behavior like "look mom, no hands!" on a bike. Or a doordash gone wrong.
Stent is now a moderator, and as he is in the klique with Abe he is obviously not going to have any truth spoken to his power by the caliber of jabrones and jamokes walking the forums these days. There was a time where we doxxed our own mod for stealing vaporizers. Don't forget where you came from Stent, ribs terrorist.
CuntFucker, the worldwide heavyweight champion of the forums, undisputed and uncontested. He's ALWAYS been The DMAN's Champion!
The DMAN, the free space in bingo, for the "goes without saying" factor.
aRTIE doesn't seem to be capable of being struck by bullets. All attacks on him simply bounce off. He's still buttah.
Now, The DMAN is going to hang up and listen to your answer.