What is the nicest thing Patrick has ever said about us?


Specifically a quarter retarded
It really is hard to find any instance of him telling something that is provably true, but it was nice of him to tell Strictly that the sub was voted the mosted hateful on reddit, "And they were PROUD of it."

It was more bemusement after finding out some losers thought we were that cool, but it was a nice statement from him.
This was a conscious decision.


Professional leech since 1994. Anyone can do it.
I think it was you who pointed this out the other day Torquie but SS titling the episode 'We're coming for you!' when that's what this fucking hog was saying to us, is infuriating.

Jamie Beebe is a pilled out failed porn whore and Jake Deptula takes it up the ass for money and rapes kittens. Nice letting us bully you off YouTube, stupids.


I don't know if this is before or after he had secured funding for the lolsuit, but he seems very cocky. These days he seems totally defeated. I wonder why he still responds now that he knows he can't win.
that was right around when MINC got the payment from the SFWA pedos. Piggy really thought he was going to dox and harrass all of us. but instead he got debt and schooling on the first amendment. oopsie doodles.


I told him I would never text or fuck with him again if he said one nice thing about me. I meant it too. He said that was impossible because there was nothing nice to say about me then did the copy pasta.

Not a nice guy.
A negative Nellie really. You should just have fun and don’t let him bring you down. We should establish a help line for all the brothamen who have been emotionally damaged by pat’s incessant online insults. I bet pats own lawyer would take that case against him.

Faggot Boqposter

The Alawite Assassin
A negative Nellie really. You should just have fun and don’t let him bring you down. We should establish a help line for all the brothamen who have been emotionally damaged by pat’s incessant online insults. I bet pats own lawyer would take that case against him.
I’m filling out a disability application form as we speak. also, I’d rather hire Russell greer as my lawyer than brinton resto.

( if you don’t know who Russell is, you’re missing out)


I told them to back off bcuz it wasnt their show
Pretty sure hes said something gay about we have decent artists that post here only if the art posted was about cutting boys dicks off and sucking Joe Bidens cancer ridden colon. May be mistaken thought.