What is it with people who wear masks in their profile picture?



Meet Zach.

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Zach went to Harvard. He's married to Marissa Mayer, a hot millionaire chick who's a genius techie. But Zach has a mask in his profile picture. Does that mean Zach's retarded? Or a faggot? Or what. Cause he seems like a retarded faggot.

Gay Faggot.

I am Dan.
People take social media too seriously. He says he co-founded whatever faggotry that is, he went to Harvard, and lives in San Fran. If he wasn’t wearing a mask it could effect his wife’s career, and his own. He’s just playing the faggotry how he has to. Not saying it’s not gay but, that’s all Twitter is for. Promoting yourself and trying to not get into trouble.