What happens next in Ukraine, a prediction

There are claims Russians are shelling a nuclear power plant, however my sources say the Russians are already occupying the plant, meaning Ukraine forces are probably going to hit the plant to trigger article 5 & bring NATO officially into things.

Also, Russian forces have become sick with signs of a bio-weapon & confirmed botulism. Let's not forget the 20 bio-labs on the Russian border admittedly paid-for by Hunter Biden.

This might get hot

The Real Ray WiIson

Raymondo Munoz
Dugin's daughter getting blown up is sure to have some repurcussions. But fuck Russia. If they didn't have nukes then nobody would need to waste breath talking about them. They are China's pet and proud to be so as long as they think they can help fuck over America.

It would be nuts to see cell phone cams and HD video of nukes going off.
One thing I've learnt listening to various veterans and military experts is nobody has a fucking idea how things will pan out in any conflict. There will always be weird little things nobody expects.

But honestly I can't say i pay much attention to the war in Ukraine. About as much as I did the invasion of the Crimea which was to learn what it was for a day or two then get on with my life not paying much attention


Here's the long game/meta

-EU will have to deal with this Russian-Ukraine squabble.

-The real pivot (and what will occupy the world) is when the war with China enters a hot zone. Think Korean War + Vietnam but 10 fold.

I'm beginning to think the whole purpose for exterminating the middle class is so that Americans gleefully accept the Draft when it returns.