What happened to the Dutch fags?


12 paramedics couldnt save ur fuckin life boy
The actress wars were a bloody and violent time for off-topic. They often say history is written by the winners, but sometimes the winners are simply too exhausted from brutally slaughtering every actress that stood before her - Lucy, Christina, Monica, Alicia, Zendaya, that sperg girl from Last of Us - every other actress in the world could align against her and she would still prevail. Some say it's unfair, loving Jenna Ortega is like playing a video game on God mode - your enemies cannot damage you, your ammo is unlimited. They have a point.


CuntFucker .

The actress wars were a bloody and violent time for off-topic. They often say history is written by the winners, but sometimes the winners are simply too exhausted from brutally slaughtering every actress that stood before her - Lucy, Christina, Monica, Alicia, Zendaya, that sperg girl from Last of Us - every other actress in the world could align against her and she would still prevail. Some say it's unfair, loving Jenna Ortega is like playing a video game on God mode - your enemies cannot damage you, your ammo is unlimited. They have a point.

I really wish you would stop this bit. It makes me sick.


12 paramedics couldnt save ur fuckin life boy
I thought they were brothers that lived in the same room? Or some kinda siamese shit?

They'd play up the lore but they weren't related, they were just two physically handicapped Dutch guys living off welfare. Cakehorn was meaner and constantly looking to pick a fight (usually with me) while Treeky was more chill.

Gassers was probably Cakehorn's alt, just cause he was uncomfortable talking about his lack of sex life, which again was likely due to his disability. So gassers had to invent some weird "I live in a Middle Eastern country and they'll chop off my hands if I try to talk to any woman" story when the reality is he was confined to his home like it was a prison.


that nigga blessed if you ask me ❤️
I think I was responsible for Cakehorn leaving. I was giving him shit for living in constant pain and for being a cripple for months and then he accidentally lost the gassers account which pushed him over the edge I think.

I genuinely hate Cakehorn and hope he's dead.
I genuinely have it on good authority that both Cake and Meownaw are not dead. I talk to Meownaw all the time on Cumtown.org. Genuinely

Faggot Boqposter

The Alawite Assassin
The actress wars were a bloody and violent time for off-topic. They often say history is written by the winners, but sometimes the winners are simply too exhausted from brutally slaughtering every actress that stood before her - Lucy, Christina, Monica, Alicia, Zendaya, that sperg girl from Last of Us - every other actress in the world could align against her and she would still prevail. Some say it's unfair, loving Jenna Ortega is like playing a video game on God mode - your enemies cannot damage you, your ammo is unlimited. They have a point.

That little wetback is aging TERRIBLY! That’s those injun genes she’s got in her. Those people weren’t designed to live much past 30


Weird culture. Between that faggot Steve Albini dying and his tour journals bragging about watching KP in Amsterdam (which is apparently legal :image_9247: there) and reading this fucked up book called "Eye of the Chickenhawk" that talks about child trafficking and snuff films, apparently the Netherlands is some kind of hub for evil shit. All I used to know about it was they had legal weed. Now it just seems like a sick place filled with a bunch of weirdos.