What happened at the hovel on April 24?

Harry's Manly Calvester

Wetting Zoomers since 2023

It was during the time of the con, meaning it was probably Nikki calling cause some niggers we're walking around with a bag of chips

She's a Karen in top of all the other shit


last day of Penguicon, at 2:22 Pat would've just gotten home or be on the road getting there, it's 1h5m after posting his gay tweet celebrating Biden's fuel prices [URL]https://twitter.com/stealthygeek/status/1518262640153346057[/URL]

I'm thinking maybe Nikki saw some blacks out the window and called 911 when they refused to fart into her vagina
Wow, that photo.

Not sure if anyones mentioned this but he is really fat.

SFWA liaison

Heidi Hildeman customer
April 28th at 9:21PM there's a call for Hoolies marked as "Investigation", is this site searchable in any way other than google? it's the ONLY call for their address which seems unlikely for a bar. No call for Andrew's visit on February 13th at ~1AM shows up so they might've called the non-emergency number, wonder if those logs are public too?

tried searching as the intersections since Hoolies is on a corner but nothing comes up like that either
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last day of Penguicon, at 2:22 Pat would've just gotten home or be on the road getting there, it's 1h5m after posting his gay tweet celebrating Biden's fuel prices https://twitter.com/stealthygeek/status/1518262640153346057

I'm thinking maybe Nikki saw some blacks out the window and called 911 when they refused to fart into her vagina


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