What ever happened to that Ukraine thing

Gay Faggot.

I am Dan.
The Ukrainian’s are winning, child. As we all thought they would. I’m sorry you’re so stupid. I can’t help you.

In all seriousness I can’t help but think this was intentional in order to “justify” Bidens claims that the recession approaching is all putins fault, and not the fact there’s about a millions bubbles about to pop at the exact same time. You know! The thing!!!!


Stand Alone Fruit
I was thinking about that today when I saw gas prices still 5-6 bucks a gallon. I remember at first we were told paying the high prices was us “doing our part” to help the people of Ukraine when people on social were posting how much they “stand with Ukraine”. Guess multiple months of spending 60-70 on gas made people sit down in relation to Ukraine. I enjoy looking at black twitter and seeing many say they don’t give a fuck about Ukraine and how money goes there but not their cities that need it. Plus many on there realize the people of Ukraine are white yet the US won’t send that kind of money to the 3 world black countries. Oopsie Doodles!


I have a face like a shovel
I hate the media however I have to thank them for creating the Ukraine smoke show so they can slowly transition out of Covid

They milked the Covid train as much as they could, knew it wasn't getting the same ratings it got before, and started a new story arc

omg-it's wonderful

thank you, jews

EDIT: btw I didn't write the above in a facetious/sarcastic tone. The media milked that covid thing to get the orange man out of office, and after they did, they couldn't stop covering covid because that would show their hand too easily.
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Feltch My Ass

Dan posting, it’s what’s for Dinner
I hope Putin executes the president or Ukraine for daring to not surrender his country to mother russia