What do you thinks wrong with this dude's brain





I don't know or care what's wrong with his brain. I just hope I can somehow be there to witness it when he rolls his ankle and falls down a flight of stairs. He's really going to feel like an idiot as he lays there on the ground all mangled and bleeding with his wrinkled old balls hanging out the bottom of that stupid skirt for the whole world to see.
If you have time, here's a good blog that explains it: https://www.the11thhourblog.com/home.
Most of them are perverts but a good percentage are into transhumanism i.e. combining humans with technology. One of the co-founders of Sirius XM, Martine Rothblatt (Oy Vey) is a big believer in it. The only thing the blog I linked gets wrong is it associates the "elites" pushing transgenderism as White when they're really jewish.


How does that feel?!
Just another pervert taking his sexual fetishes too far. They all are. It's rooted in an aversion to considering themselves gay. They pretend to be women, which makes them feel that they're just regular heterosexuals. I have far more respect for openly gay guys, who at least have balls enough to own it.
that's all it is - just someone who has to show the world his fetish. fucking gross