What causes tightness?

In the UK, it's geographical. The further north you get, the worse it gets. When I was young I had a "mate" from Manchester who would say things like "Aye oop! You got that 10p I lent you last month?" By the time you reach Scotland "You'll've had your tea" becomes a common greeting for guests. Honestly, I don't know what causes this.

In the US, the Jew seems mostly to blame.

In China, it's down to age. People who grew up during the Cultural Revolution could put Gilbert Gottfried to shame. In luxury apartment complexes in Beijing it is quite common to see the parents of millionaires spend their free time rooting through rubbish bins for plastic bottles to take to the recycling centre. In the foyer of museums and public buildings it is not unusual to see old-age pensioners taking up all the seating. Why? Free air conditioning. Schools in China will only keep a few sheets of paper in their photocopiers because otherwise the parents will steal the paper. I'm not making this up, folks. All true stories.

So... what are your theories? I'm sure most people have at least one person in the family who is tighter than a camel's arsehole in a sandstorm.


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I think it's more to do with being spiteful. Scottish people are spiteful, but so are old Chinese people. Jews can be spiteful depending on the area.