What are your favorite "Why us?" tweets?






Just a couple I was reminded of today.

Honey Badger

My father has no penis
Wasn’t there a tweet by a father about a prenatal screening for Downs ending up being a false positive, and yet Pat told him that he and his wife made the wrong choice having the baby?
He even called him “cruel” for….not killing the healthy baby?

There was another one where a white mother was lamenting her adopted black daughter cutting ties with her because she voted for trump. And of course patty “the only good family is a broken family” Tomlinson had to wag his gullet calling her a racist subhuman etc


Stand Alone Fruit
Wasn’t there a tweet by a father about a prenatal screening for Downs ending up being a false positive, and yet Pat told him that he and his wife made the wrong choice having the baby?
Yes. He told a father he should have aborted their kid and were stupid for not doing so. The man’s avatar was him and the daughter Pat was telling him he should have killed.

Riccardo Bosi

watches seasons 3-9 all the time, child.
Wasn’t there a tweet by a father about a prenatal screening for Downs ending up being a false positive, and yet Pat told him that he and his wife made the wrong choice having the baby?
By his logic, any parent of a down's syndrome kid should be publicly shamed.

Classic conservative Patrick S. Tomlinson, folks.


Stand Alone Fruit
This is a great idea.

@Daddy Warbucks

There's at least 20 that would make Dennis Rader blush.
That’s what I’ve been waiting for - there’s so much to choose from - how he talks down to women, abusive / threats to hunt people down and ruin their lives, rape threats, violence, etc.

Also any mention of his daughter that he signed away when he needs to use her for social media points. That’s extreme narcissism and disgusting since he wants nothing to do with her because he “can’t let the idiots win” since Ade is an “idiot” for leaving him.


That’s what I’ve been waiting for - there’s so much to choose from - how he talks down to women, abusive / threats to hunt people down and ruin their lives, rape threats, violence, etc.

Also any mention of his daughter that he signed away when he needs to use her for social media points. That’s extreme narcissism and disgusting since he wants nothing to do with her because he “can’t let the idiots win” since Ade is an “idiot” for leaving him.
For sure. And people think he didn't actually kill Bernell. Unreal.

He's a legit homicidal nutcase.
That’s what I’ve been waiting for - there’s so much to choose from - how he talks down to women, abusive / threats to hunt people down and ruin their lives, rape threats, violence, etc.

Also any mention of his daughter that he signed away when he needs to use her for social media points. That’s extreme narcissism and disgusting since he wants nothing to do with her because he “can’t let the idiots win” since Ade is an “idiot” for leaving him.
And so many examples from before the Norm tweet, so he can’t say his cuntiness is some sort of defense mechanism.
He’s just that way, so far up his own ass about being the tough, gun-totin’, muscle-car drivin’, Nazi fightin’ conservative tranny ally and abortion advocate that he can’t see his most lasting authorial accomplishment is being the author of his own torment.


Crumbly feta is not God's Plan
Every single tweet he makes about Annabelle. Fucker has money for toys and vacations but can't scrape together a family lawyer to even at least attempt to hammer out increased visitation with his daughter.
He probably doesn't even need that. If he just contacted Ade and said he'd like to at least try to have a relationship with his daughter, and wasn't the uber dickhead he is all the time, thatd probably get the ball rolling. No money, no cost, just time, effort, and humility. All things Pat will never understand or appreciate.