WELP. My 10/10 Chinese GF broke up with me

she said that i'm never serious and that she's worried about our future cause she thinks at some point she may move back to fucking China of all places

we were in LOVE you bitch. We FUCKED and SUCKED. I don't know about fucking chinatown but where i come from that MEANS something

and i already bought the tickets for our date tonight, we were going to an amusement park that had a fright-night thing with it and i never went to that ever and now STILL will probably never ever go. That's $60 dollars down the drain that i cant afford to lose right now.

she did it over the PHONE not over text like a pussy. Respect. Although she did preface the call with texts saying "youre not in trouble" and "dont be scared" LYING CUNT







i dunno i'm gonna ask her out next weekend i guess cause the tickets dont have an exact date you need to use them on

Ace Orenstein

she said that i'm never serious and that she's worried about our future cause she thinks at some point she may move back to fucking China of all places

we were in LOVE you bitch. We FUCKED and SUCKED. I don't know about fucking chinatown but where i come from that MEANS something

and i already bought the tickets for our date tonight, we were going to an amusement park that had a fright-night thing with it and i never went to that ever and now STILL will probably never ever go. That's $60 dollars down the drain that i cant afford to lose right now.

she did it over the PHONE not over text like a pussy. Respect. Although she did preface the call with texts saying "youre not in trouble" and "dont be scared" LYING CUNT

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i dunno i'm gonna ask her out next weekend i guess cause the tickets dont have an exact date you need to use them on
Chinese? Is she overweight (like really overweight) and goes by the username Robert Mewler on a message board?