Welp...February is sorted


Stand Alone Fruit
He's not actually going to play it. He's just trying to get a dopamine hit by referencing something he sees other people be nostalgic about.
I doubt he plays any video games, he’s too distracted with twitter to focus on anything else. Just look at his writing, it’s shit because he doesn’t put any effort into it since he’s too busy with twitter.


I guarantee it's something really autistically literal like 'PatrickSTomlinsonGamer'.
So the guy who never talks about video games is suddenly going to play this? I want his gamertag so bad.
Actually PC master race, little baby girl.



Breakfast Corn
What makes that month any different than the other 11? Pat is an unemployed bum that tweets all day and doesn’t even get paid for it. He spends well over 8 hours a day on something that doesn’t pay him.
Not just that but twitter makes him miserable daily and he cant stop. If you are going to do it for free at least do something that brings you joy. He starts his day arguing with strangers and that pretty much sets the tone for his day. Somehow pat can convince himself that everything is going great while he digs himself deeper into debt over arguing on the internet.