Welp...February is sorted


Breakfast Corn


I fucking loved this game - when I was 12. I couldn't give less of a shit about videogames as an adult. This nigga has a legit development disorder.
Also, the fun part of GoldenEye was playing with your buddies in the basement or in a dorm room or whatever.

He's a middle aged man now with no friends. Who tf is he gonna play with? Online trannies like Brianna Wu?


I loved this game as a kid but it's looks so dated now. They've not even done anything to improve. Literally just the same game but in HD.

This retard will just eat up anything that's served to him as long as it features something he's already familiar with.
But then he'll complain about how the juggernaut franchises are ruining all forms of media by stomping out opportunities for the little guy creatives like himself.

#amregressing #amconsooming