Wellington foreshadowing

Slackjawed Cow

I laugh at them because they're all the same.





He definitely fucked it up on purpose since he likes his filet well done but he knew he would be made fun of if he posted pics of a well done center.
It doesn't agree with my palate, child.

He did make a comment recently about starting to like steak at a less-than-well-done temperature. He's probably been made fun of by so many people for ordering well-done steak that he's lying for dopamine but I'll see if I can find it.

Edit: Found it

[URL unfurl="true"]https://twitter.com/stealthygeek/status/1546572653578059776[/URL]

Steak is the only thing about me getting redder as I get older.

Yeah, he's an alcoholic and sometimes their face/cheeks get red but in his case his face is turning a weird shade of yellow.
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Will Tate

Oven March
It doesn't agree with my palate, child.

He did make a comment recently about starting to like steak at a less-than-well-done temperature. He's probably been made fun of by so many people for ordering well-done steak that he's lying for dopamine but I'll see if I can find it.

Edit: Found it

Yeah, he's an alcoholic and sometimes their face/cheeks get red but in his case his face is turning a weird shade of yellow.
That's probably only because he's too impatient to eat and wants his food ASAP. Let's hope he orders some medium-rare chicken sometime soon.


Why is Kyle varsity and you're not?
That last photo of his "plating". He ate the whole thing. Its supposed to feed a few people. The ribs he gave us that xmas morning was one of the best gifts I have gotten in years.
I’m certain he ate it himself. Someone figured out Rick spends holidays alone because Nick is with her family and Rick ain’t invited and is fat.