"Well, my friends and family know they're not going to control me for the most part. Anyway!"



Someone just posted a screenshot of a reddit thread where someone pointed out that he replied to every comment in an antagonizing way and maybe he was bringing a lot of the trolling on himself by continuing to respond. He fired back that he was fighting the trolls and winning. One of rakdaddy's friends told him the same thing and he blew him off too. The conversations were similar to the above. They offer advice, he says he's winning, they say something like "It doesn't look like you're winning to me" and them just bow out. He's like a retarded version of the Terminator. He keeps coming and never stops but he's an ineffective nothing and the lulz just keep piling up.

More like a retarded version of Rocky..."Stay down Rocky, stay down! Apollo's gonna kill you!...he's going for your RIBS"