We didn't lie to you, child. We told you we had living, breathing, monstrosities.


You laughed at them, shuddered at them. And, yet, but for the accident of birth, you might be one as they are.


Serious question, do the news crews just show up on their doorstep with no notice and they don't have time to wash themselves, dress up or even grab a hankie to mop the sweat off their jowls?

I can't imagine anyone would willingly choose to appear on television the way these two looked during the last two interviews, especially someone as famous as Patrick S. Tomlinson, SWATTee.

Salted Earth Truffle

Eric Hildeman poked my no-no hole when I was 5
I can't imagine anyone would willingly choose to appear on television the way these two looked during the last two interviews
They thought they looked great. Even though even people who have never been on TV know that TV lights are hot and harsh, washing you out if unprepared. Pat was more likely to try to get a makeup artist to clean them up than Niki was.