Watching Old (2021) by M Night Shamalan



Let me know what the twist is. The last M Night movie I watched was Lady in the Water and that was ages ago. I can't bring myself to hate the guy since he was a fan of Norm and seems like a nice dude.
I watched uhh what was it called... the one that Norm told us to watch on his Netflix show. Split, that's it. I watched Split. It was okay. So that's why I'm giving this a chance. I just don't understand why every actor is fucking shit lol. It's like he did this on purpose. Maybe that'll be part of the twist.
Like you can tell they're acting.


I watched uhh what was it called... the one that Norm told us to watch on his Netflix show. Split, that's it. I watched Split. It was okay. So that's why I'm giving this a chance. I just don't understand why every actor is fucking shit lol. It's like he did this on purpose. Maybe that'll be part of the twist.
Like you can tell they're acting.
Night has made exactly 3 watchable movies. Sixth Sense, Unbreakable, and Split. Everything else is shit. Signs has its moments, plus Mel and Joaquin Phoenix, but the gayest ending ever. I've seen all of his shit except After Earth. Split was cool, but Glass was fucking miserable. I've avoided Old because of it.

As for the acting, a lot of his movies are that way. Terrible, hammy performances with the worst dialogue outside of Stephen King. Let me know how the movie is tho


Night has made exactly 3 watchable movies. Sixth Sense, Unbreakable, and Split. Everything else is shit. Signs has its moments, plus Mel and Joaquin Phoenix, but the gayest ending ever. I've seen all of his shit except After Earth. Split was cool, but Glass was fucking miserable. I've avoided Old because of it.

As for the acting, a lot of his movies are that way. Terrible, hammy performances with the worst dialogue outside of Stephen King. Let me know how the movie is tho
I don't know if I'm just affected by this place/SFWA stories, but this movie has a lot of pedo undertones. 6 year old who "aged rapidly" but still has the mind of a 6 year old is pregnant now.


Not sure why I'm watching this shit. Depressing, horrific, not entertaining. I guess I wanna see what happens in the end. I'm never watching another one of his films now though.


I don't know if I'm just affected by this place/SFWA stories, but this movie has a lot of pedo undertones. 6 year old who "aged rapidly" but still has the mind of a 6 year old is pregnant now.
Funny you should say that. I've been noticing the same thing. Especially in newer shit. Idk if it's real or I gave myself brain cancer coming here. But I notice it more frequently now. The only recent exception was Twin Peaks S3.


Let me know what the twist is. The last M Night movie I watched was Lady in the Water and that was ages ago. I can't bring myself to hate the guy since he was a fan of Norm and seems like a nice dude.
Finished. Gay fuckin' shit.
It turns out the beach that made time go faster was controlled by a pharmaceutical company that was studying the effects of their drugs. They brought people with illnesses to the beach, secretly gave them medicine beforehand, and if they survived a lifetime on that beach without having symptoms of their illness, then the drugs worked. So like, it was a way to test if their drugs worked within the span of a day.


Finished. Gay fuckin' shit.
It turns out the beach that made time go faster was controlled by a pharmaceutical company that was studying the effects of their drugs. They brought people with illnesses to the beach, secretly gave them medicine beforehand, and if they survived a lifetime on that beach without having symptoms of their illness, then the drugs worked. So like, it was a way to test if their drugs worked within the span of a day.
So the villains were the Jews the whole time?


It's interesting that the quality of his movies has just followed a perfect downward slope since the 90s.


Professional leech since 1994. Anyone can do it.
It's interesting that the quality of his movies has just followed a perfect downward slope since the 90s.

It's crazy because his first 2-3 films were so damn good, especially Unbreakable.

I have enjoyed a 1-2 of them since then, for example I really enjoyed The Visit, but for the most part his output for the past 15 years has been utter shite.


It's crazy because his first 2-3 films were so damn good, especially Unbreakable.

I have enjoyed a 1-2 of them since then, for example I really enjoyed The Visit, but for the most part his output for the past 15 years has been utter shite.
Signs was fucking awesome too. I dunno why he can't just make good shit anymore.