Watched The Black Phone (2022)

CuntFucker .

Danny Doll Eyes
It kind of blew. The type of movie where the police busts into a house without a warrent because a girl had a dream about it.

CuntFucker .

Danny Doll Eyes




It didn't do much for me. I did enjoy seeing kids actually fight and beat the shit out of each other multiple times. Funny shit. But if you're gonna do the supernatural thing, pick one kid. Having the boy hear the phone and having a psychic or whatever the fuck sister was a bit much. Kinda kills the tension when one is getting ghostly survival advice and the other is seeing exactly where to go. I don't know if that makes any sense. Ziggy Sobotka was fucking horrible, and I just couldn't buy Ethan Hawke as this evil killer. Liked the depressing ending with the dad being a faggot and the kids hating him. 3/10


I tried to watch it but couldn't give a shit. That kid deserved to be raped and dismembered just for his name but instead he futzes about the whole movie and nothing really happens.