Watched Platoon (1986)

CuntFucker .

Danny Doll Eyes
It kind of blew. Uninteresting characters, little excitement. Many cringey actor-y scenes. A boring point of view.

"I think now, looking back, we did not fight our enemy..."

Do ya?

"... We fought ourselves."

Did ya?

Guess Barns and Elias were meant to represent the duality of man. Nice fleshing that out, stupid. What a gay movie. Also, Taylor and Elias like acted secret fags for each other.

My favorite moment was when the officer played by Oliver Stone got suicide bombed by a Chinaman.

And how do you not get annoyed at the musical theme being repeated over and over again? Overrated gay movie.

(I don't mean to say that you'd be a faggot or a retard if you liked it. That would be fine, obviously.)


Guess Barns and Elias were meant to represent the duality of man. Nice fleshing that out, stupid. What a gay movie. Also, Taylor and Elias like acted secret fags for each other.

What are you, a third year english major taking an intro to cinema class?
Next you’re going to pontificate on how maria monticella was taken advantage of by the heterofluid power structure in Once upon a time in america.
Then in grad school you get cocky because you take hermans class “adaptation to film theory” and wax poetically about the irony of bogart and bacall having a bad relationship in key largo.



Shock Jock
What are you, a third year english major taking an intro to cinema class?
Next you’re going to pontificate on how maria monticella was taken advantage of by the heterofluid power structure in Once upon a time in america.
Then in grad school you get cocky because you take hermans class “adaptation to film theory” and wax poetically about the irony of bogart and bacall having a bad relationship in key largo.

View attachment 56097
Yeah, but you’re gonna be serving my kids Panera Bread on our way to a skiing trip
It kind of blew. Uninteresting characters, little excitement. Many cringey actor-y scenes. A boring point of view.

"I think now, looking back, we did not fight our enemy..."

Do ya?

"... We fought ourselves."

Did ya?

Guess Barns and Elias were meant to represent the duality of man. Nice fleshing that out, stupid. What a gay movie. Also, Taylor and Elias like acted secret fags for each other.

My favorite moment was when the officer played by Oliver Stone got suicide bombed by a Chinaman.

And how do you not get annoyed at the musical theme being repeated over and over again? Overrated gay movie.

(I don't mean to say that you'd be a faggot or a retard if you liked it. That would be fine, obviously.)
What are ya a homosexual, Cuntwheeler .?

Carl Winslow

I'm not a Fed
I havn't seen it in years. The part where the Capt ( i think ) is wearing his college shirt around, and doesn't know his fucking job... Something I saw everyday in the military.
Also, Taylor and Elias like acted secret fags for each other.
Love the movie and I can't defend any of your points. Elias and Taylor had a certain sexual tension. The scene in the tent when Elias shotguns a hit to Taylor.

"Put your mouth on this"

Also something that has always bugged me is the early scene when Taylor gets overheated and Elias offers to carry the books and other heavy shit "just this one time".

In real life those books and bullshit would be dumped in the Vietnamese hillside.

CuntFucker .

Danny Doll Eyes
What are you, a third year english major taking an intro to cinema class?
Next you’re going to pontificate on how maria monticella was taken advantage of by the heterofluid power structure in Once upon a time in america.
Then in grad school you get cocky because you take hermans class “adaptation to film theory” and wax poetically about the irony of bogart and bacall having a bad relationship in key largo.

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Good Will Hunting (1997)