Watched Paradise Highway (2022)



I'm not a msyoginist, no sire. I gave a full chance to a movie with a woman in the lead role. Though of course the 15 minutes of Morgan Freemans corpse is what they try to hard to sell the movie with.

Acting wasn't the issue. Just dogs shit writing which I haven't looked into but it seems like women were all over this script as it took what could have been a great thrilling movie and took a big stinky queefe on it. Turned a serious subject (human trafficking) into a joke.

Movie had no timeliness, was all over the place. And a pack of homely females of color truck drivers come to save the day. Every man trucker is a drinking, drugging, whoring, slob there are no good homely people. Only the blacks, of course.

Ya sure, the FBI will put only 2 agents on a missing girl, and when they find the woman who kidnapped the kid, just have them walk off with no questions because they seem friendly w each other.

It stinks and I don't like it.