Watched Falling Down (1993)


Professional leech since 1994. Anyone can do it.
Nice making the thread I just did, stupid -

I agree though. The whole Robert Duvall and his stupid annoying wife was easily the worst part of the movie. The Michael Douglas scenes more than make up for it though.

Also Shiela. Just look at Sheila...



Nice making a new thread every time you watch a fawkin movie even though there's already a thread called "Last movie you watched", stupid.
Wasn’t there also a falling down thread a few days ago? Or did we turn some other thread into the falling down thread?
Oh shut the fuck up. It’s a good fuckin’ movie. Stop doing the “shit on something a lot of people like” thread that’s popular here.
Or maybe it’s your honest opinion, and I should respect it even if I disagree or some bullshit. Fuck I’’m hammered