Watched Eyes Wide Shut (1999)



It kind of ruled. Not a fan of Kidman's and Cruise's affected acting though.
I love how Kubrick took King’s mediocre slasher flick book about excusing his alcoholism and turned it into a masterpiece that King ended up hating because Stephen (nice pretentious spelling) is a faggot who takes walks at night and then blames random cars for hitting him. Nice car accident, faggot.


Brazil sent me a wife with a dick ☺️
It added to the dreamlike feel of the movie I thought. Maybe that's me trying to excuse it I don't know.
Nah you’re right. It has a clockwork orange strangeness to it. Still don’t know how he got the balls to make that movie. He must’ve fucked a couple boys for them to green light that shit.


Nah you’re right. It has a clockwork orange strangeness to it. Still don’t know how he got the balls to make that movie. He must’ve fucked a couple boys for them to green light that shit.
He died before it was even released. I heard conflicting things of actors saying he didn't seem sick at all some others saying he seemed unwell. I think it's a tough one also if he was killed then why did they even release the movie unless they cut stuff from it...

Smeckler's Powder

Sweet powder eases the pain
I couldn't pay attention to it, even with having read all the conspiracy shit about it beforehand. There's a cut scene with a guy in a Bob Hope mask though...gotta wonder what that dude was doing


Fuck Sickos
He died before it was even released. I heard conflicting things of actors saying he didn't seem sick at all some others saying he seemed unwell. I think it's a tough one also if he was killed then why did they even release the movie unless they cut stuff from it...
It was completely altered after he died

I couldn't pay attention to it, even with having read all the conspiracy shit about it beforehand. There's a cut scene with a guy in a Bob Hope mask though...gotta wonder what that dude was doing
Bob Hope was a scum Hollywood satanic pedo

CuntFucker .

Danny Doll Eyes
I love how Kubrick took King’s mediocre slasher flick book about excusing his alcoholism and turned it into a masterpiece that King ended up hating because Stephen (nice pretentious spelling) is a faggot who takes walks at night and then blames random cars for hitting him. Nice car accident, faggot.
Me too. I forced myself through reading one of his books. His characterizations fucking suck. He bitched about Kubrick's Jack Torrent being irredeemable and evil. In the book, there's supposedly something schmalzy about how he was good at the core and really, really tried... King is a fucking faggot who doesn't know people and has nothing interesting to say about them. Kubrick's misanthropy seems much more in tune with the world at large and history... And I simply like that he upset that fucking faggot Stephen King.


Me too. I forced myself through reading one of his books. His characterizations fucking suck. He bitched about Kubrick's Jack Torrent being irredeemable and evil. In the book, there's supposedly something schmalzy about how he was good at the core and really, really tried... King is a fucking faggot who doesn't know people and has nothing interesting to say about them. Kubrick's misanthropy seems much more in tune with the world at large and history... And I simply like that he upset that fucking faggot Stephen King.
Then King went about trying to direct all of his own adaptations which tanked. Nice tanking your own faggot work, stupid.


It's not REALLY Ray Wilson
He died before it was even released. I heard conflicting things of actors saying he didn't seem sick at all some others saying he seemed unwell. I think it's a tough one also if he was killed then why did they even release the movie unless they cut stuff from it...
I remember hearing somewhere that it wasn't Eyes Wide Shut that got him killed so much as it was his original plans for AI. If I remember correctly, his take on that was going to be about the "elite", and what kind of people would want a child who is forever 12 years old and why.