Watched Apocalypse Now (1979)



Which version did you watch? The Redux is almost an hour longer than the theatrical cut and the Final Cut is shorter than the Redux but longer than the theatrical cut. The French plantation part gets a bit tedious in the Redux but that's the version I prefer because you also get more Col. Kurtz.
Been wanting to watch because its been a long time but the one on Netflix is the redux and i have no idea where im going to find 3 hours to watch it


Fan of the Era
Which version did you watch? The Redux is almost an hour longer than the theatrical cut and the Final Cut is shorter than the Redux but longer than the theatrical cut. The French plantation part gets a bit tedious in the Redux but that's the version I prefer because you also get more Col. Kurtz.
Agree about redux. The plantation dinner and discussion is a nice change from the usual boat niggers and Lance dialogue. Willard interacting with a classy dame is interesting as well.

CuntFucker .

Danny Doll Eyes
Which version did you watch? The Redux is almost an hour longer than the theatrical cut and the Final Cut is shorter than the Redux but longer than the theatrical cut. The French plantation part gets a bit tedious in the Redux but that's the version I prefer because you also get more Col. Kurtz.
I watched the Theatrical Cut. Might watch the Final Cut sometime later this year. I wonder if Kurtz' motivations become clearer in the longer cuts. And I wonder if explanation would lessen the character's appeal.


Professional leech since 1994. Anyone can do it.
I remember watching Redux on the big screen when I was a teenager. Was fucking great.

It's one of those movies like The Shining where even if you didn't enjoy the story, you'd still have to admire how incredible it is on a technical level.


Formerly know as Fat Abbot
Apocalypse Now is one of those movies I really want to see on the big screen at some point. I still need to check out the final cut.