Watched American Movie (1999)

CuntFucker .

Danny Doll Eyes
It ruled. It's at least as funny as Grizzly Man (2005), but you wouldn't enjoy it if somebody died. I liked everybody in it, except for the faggot brother who'd talk shit about Mark.

Sidenote: Mike played the roommate of Paul Giamatti's character in Storytelling (2001).


Professional leech since 1994. Anyone can do it.
Do you watch a movie every day? I'm not judging you or nuttin' it just seems like you post these at least daily.

Dummy Gaynuts

Pookie-pie water-pig
It's at least as funny as Grizzly Man (2005)
Anything Herzog does is worth a look, and Grizzly Man was objectively a great doc and we used to get stoned and watch it in college for the loffs. But American Movie has so much goddamned heart. Ultimately, I didn't care that some weirdo surfer creep got himself devoured by starving bears, but I did care that some hard luck longhair made 'Coh-ven'


These guys were awesome...just good hearted people. That guy Mike is just such a good friend, it made me a little sad how hard he's just fried his brain...Mark and his parents/uncle too great people. Just an awesome message to never give up.

Someone said on the doc thread he's the anti-Tomlinson. 100% on point.


These guys were awesome...just good hearted people. That guy Mike is just such a good friend, it made me a little sad how hard he's just fried his brain...Mark and his parents/uncle too great people. Just an awesome message to never give up.

Someone said on the doc thread he's the anti-Tomlinson. 100% on point.
I would love to hang out with them and talk about movies as gay as that sounds. He really has a great taste in film too if you watch any of his podcast appearances he always lists great stuff. Also where the fuck is my blu-ray of this already.


Brazil sent me a wife with a dick ☺️
His brothers were real scumbags. Let the dude follow his dreams fawk. Probably my favorite documentary really warms the heart.
His gay brother is the fucking worst. Reminds me someone in my life. He never did what he wanted with his life. So he would lecture me on literally just trying to work my way up to managing a factory since I was 14.

Would tell me things like being intelligent means nothing they aren’t going to pay you because youtsmart.

I’ve heard some form of that intelligence line from every normal average jerk off I ever knew. As if knowledge isn’t itself a reward lol. But stupid people can’t imagine learning as fun.