Watched Alien (1979)


I haven't seen Aliens forever. Aren't the aliens better realized? (While everything else looks bland.)
It's just a dumb pew pew action movie and I haven't bothered watching again in years. The thing that makes Alien so good is the atmosphere and isolation. Also making there only 1 threat works better than multiple xenomorphs. The video game Alien Isolation is PFG because it focuses on those things.

CuntFucker .

Danny Doll Eyes
It's just a dumb pew pew action movie and I haven't bothered watching again in years. The thing that makes Alien so good is the atmosphere and isolation. Also making there only 1 threat works better than multiple xenomorphs. The video game Alien Isolation is PFG because it focuses on those things.
I agree that the first one is much better. Not sure about the secondary antagonist though. Ian Holm's devious android was pfg but I also liked Paul Reiser's Jew.


Still spreading the O&A virus
Alien is pretty much superior to Aliens in every way. Aliens is really not even a good movie and ruins the franchise by turning it into a mindless action shooter film instead of science fiction and body horror. Old school fans of the franchise know that pretty much everyone liked Alien 3 more than Aliens. But now that reddit tier fags run all forums and social media they praise the stupidity of Aliens.

Only bad moment in Alien is when Dallas is in the vents and the alien hugs him to death. That stupid alien throwing its arms out shot looks embarrassingly bad. It is so obviously a person in a costume. No idea why they left that in. In Aliens they actually had a scene of an alien in the vents climbing down which was far better looking.

Jesse Ventura

Access to the debates
Great movie. And in this current era of over the top “powerful women” characters, Ellen Ripley is a great example of a strong female lead without hitting you over the head with yaaas queen dialogue or comical bullshit. If they made this nowadays they’d have her knock out the alien with a punch and say some quippy line about the patriarchy, probably.

Brooke Shields

Patrick Tomlinson hates me because I am a woman
okay then


Great movie. And in this current era of over the top “powerful women” characters, Ellen Ripley is a great example of a strong female lead without hitting you over the head with yaaas queen dialogue or comical bullshit. If they made this nowadays they’d have her knock out the alien with a punch and say some quippy line about the patriarchy, probably.
Absolutely, casting a female in this position served to further stack the odds against the leads survival, adding to the tension.

Its one of the best films ever made. A critic once made a comment about how nothing happens for about 50 minutes. That's why modern films feel so flat by comparison, you have to build a world, let it breathe and then turn it upside down before you start with the horror shit

Lamont & Tonelli

Brevity is... wit.
Old school fans of the franchise know that pretty much everyone liked Alien 3 more than Aliens.
I still love Aliens, but it's below the first and third in my book. I'd put it on par with Resurrection, which I also enjoy for the fun haunted house ride it is. Brad Dourif fucking rules.


Still spreading the O&A virus
Its one of the best films ever made. A critic once made a comment about how nothing happens for about 50 minutes. That's why modern films feel so flat by comparison, you have to build a world, let it breathe and then turn it upside down before you start with the horror shit
Predator and Event Horizon are very much the same. Almost an hour before the real monster shows up. Predator is almost two movies in one. They have the mission against the Russians in the middle of the jungle. Then the fight against the Predator. Event Horizon is basically half of them exploring the ship and losing their sanity. And then doing everything that they can to get away from the ship.

In the first hour of Alien you learn a ton about the characters and the ship. And when you rewatch it knowing that Ash is a robot and working against them it is even more interesting. You even see Ash drink some of his motor fluid at one point.


In my opinion Aliens expands the lore in a good way, but aside from that it blows in comparison to Alien.

Have you fellas seen Outland?


I haven't watched it in forever, but you can easily assume this movie is happening in the Alien universe, just has drugs instead of xenomorphs. I think a lot of the people who worked on Alien worked on Outland which made it have a similar aesthetic.


May St. Mel bless you
Great movie. And in this current era of over the top “powerful women” characters, Ellen Ripley is a great example of a strong female lead without hitting you over the head with yaaas queen dialogue or comical bullshit. If they made this nowadays they’d have her knock out the alien with a punch and say some quippy line about the patriarchy, probably.

It's also great because the other woman in the movie is a hysterical whiny cunt.