Was George Michael the only "Okay" faggot of our life time?


Do you count Fez?

Little Richard - switched back and forth between gay and anti-gay. He did the exact opposite of 'drag queen story time' -- he would travel to schools across the country to give speeches dissuading kids from homosexuality. Probably the most impressive singing voice America has ever produced.

Paul Lynde - notorious jew-hater who would bash Hollywood kikes for killing his acting career because they had no taste, and had very little interest in quality. He could've been in Gone With The WIND!!!!

Prince - Gay in media persona only, he was in fact a based gay-basher. He would refuse to look at / speak to / give attention to anyone who displayed gay behaviors. He would literally use a third person to communicate through if he needed to speak to a faggot. Plenty of songs where he dunks on homosexuals. One of his lesbian guitar players from the 80's wanted to work with him in 1999. He sent her a contract stating she had to cease and desist gay activity if she wanted to work for him again. Prince was like the 4 foot tall version of Trump or McMahon.


I Am Racist Man Leader of the Digital Ku Klux Klan
Do you count Fez?

Little Richard - switched back and forth between gay and anti-gay. He did the exact opposite of 'drag queen story time' -- he would travel to schools across the country to give speeches dissuading kids from homosexuality. Probably the most impressive singing voice America has ever produced.

Paul Lynde - notorious jew-hater who would bash Hollywood kikes for killing his acting career because they had no taste, and had very little interest in quality. He could've been in Gone With The WIND!!!!

Prince - Gay in media persona only, he was in fact a based gay-basher. He would refuse to look at / speak to / give attention to anyone who displayed gay behaviors. He would literally use a third person to communicate through if he needed to speak to a faggot. Plenty of songs where he dunks on homosexuals. One of his lesbian guitar players from the 80's wanted to work with him in 1999. He sent her a contract stating she had to cease and desist gay activity if she wanted to work for him again. Prince was like the 4 foot tall version of Trump or McMahon.
Based Purple Midget. Then again Prince was known to go to elaborate measures to mess with people. He did date a lot of gorgeous women.


All I remember is him prancing around like a Cumia in those gay neon short shorts girls used to wear in the 80's. But this was before gayness was invented so all the chubby girls at my school lusted after him