Ugly but also fashionable.




HH Brother

I wanna fuck you up the ass, funster.
Cumia looked better before he started caring. Before the plugs and the fake teeth. The dating 18 year olds, working out and pencil thin mustache stage he kinda looked like a human.

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They spent hours goofing on Vos's veneers, and this Berber has to get his done because he's vomiting every single day from hangovers, funster.


It died on the vine
Maddox's Armenian cousin
Man you just took me back to when he first showed a picture of himself on his book tour, which was when I immediately lost interest in his website. All that manly man shit that had me rolling in my early teens slammed straight into a brick wall when I saw his bald, dough bodied hunchback ass sitting in a king's robe and crown holding court to other terminally online sad sacks who bought his book.