Two and a Half men is NAHT FUNNY



Anyone ever notice Off Topic is just retreads of old Opie and Anthony shows? Are we doing that on purpose or subconsciously or is it just that there's not many topics to cover?
Anyway............. read on.
I tried watching Two and a Half men, the highest rated episodes according to imdb and I never laughed once. The show is shit. Also, killing off Charlie Sheen was funny and it's like the lowest rated episode.


Anyone ever notice Off Topic is just retreads of old Opie and Anthony shows? Are we doing that on purpose or subconsciously or is it just that there's not many topics to cover?
Anyway............. read on.
I tried watching Two and a Half men, the highest rated episodes according to imdb and I never laughed once. The show is shit. Also, killing off Charlie Sheen was funny and it's like the lowest rated episode.
Things like this enraged me until I realized, Writers always end up HATING/having contempt for their audience. (Rightfully so). Once the formula is figured out, and the magic is gone, you become jaded and it then shows in your product. This is the drawback behind chasing ratings/imdb ratings etc. (the masses are fawkin stupid and with rising immigration/dysgenics, you're getting Mexican Streetshitter, Transylvannian, etc feedback fucking shit up.


Things like this enraged me until I realized, Writers always end up HATING/having contempt for their audience. (Rightfully so). Once the formula is figured out, and the magic is gone, you become jaded and it then shows in your product. This is the drawback behind chasing ratings/imdb ratings etc. (the masses are fawkin stupid and with rising immigration/dysgenics, you're getting Mexican Streetshitter, Transylvannian, etc feedback fucking shit up.
I really think taking your beloved title character and then opening the new season up with his funeral and all the characters shitting on him is fucking hilarious.

Like none of the jokes are funny themselves, but the concept is gold:



I really think taking your beloved title character and then opening the new season up with his funeral and all the characters shitting on him is fucking hilarious.

Like none of the jokes are funny themselves, but the concept is gold:

I really hated his character in Pretty in Pink...making kids think "nice guys finish last" was happening when it was clear he wasn't right for her and maybe a closeted faggot, like what right did he have to fall in love with Molly? The handsome rich kid made to be a villain for no reason then Kike underdog hardons.


I really hated his character in Pretty in Pink...making kids think "nice guys finish last" was happening when it was clear he wasn't right for her and maybe a closeted faggot, like what right did he have to fall in love with Molly? The handsome rich kid made to be a villain for no reason then Kike underdog hardons.
The nice guys finish last trope is so dumb. Chicks fucking cream over nice guys:



My parents watched this shit. They'd watch from 2 different rooms in the house (because they probably can't stand each other) and I would hear them laugh from each room at the same scenes, because the laugh track told them to do so.

I remember hearing "ha! Did you see that!" being yelled across the house several times. It would drive me insane. It was the first moments of me realizing I needed to move the fuck out of their house when I was like 15.

Mitch Weaver

Wave bye bye, staIker
My parents watched this shit. They'd watch from 2 different rooms in the house (because they probably can't stand each other) and I would hear them laugh from each room at the same scenes, because the laugh track told them to do so.

I remember hearing "ha! Did you see that!" being yelled across the house several times. It would drive me insane. It was the first moments of me realizing I needed to move the fuck out of their house when I was like 15.
Fuck it let them adopt me, you can continue trolling Serch


yep yep yep yep yep
Not so fast- he quit for awhile because of God or some shit. Then realized that no one was going to pay his doughy ass 300k an episode to sit around with his dick in his hand. Not for nothing, but those 6 figure kike paychecks from mediocre network TV, are hard to pass up.
yeah the church was fucked up telling him to quit, fucking retards. i just read that he was in Louie's Hoard and Pete horseshit show


I really hated his character in Pretty in Pink...making kids think "nice guys finish last" was happening when it was clear he wasn't right for her and maybe a closeted faggot, like what right did he have to fall in love with Molly? The handsome rich kid made to be a villain for no reason then Kike underdog hardons.

The original ending was Jon Cryer getting with Molly and it tested so bad that they had to reshoot the ending with her and Andrew McCarthy getting together. McCarthy had lost weight and shaved his head for some play he was in so he's wearing a wig in the reshoot.
My parents watched this shit. They'd watch from 2 different rooms in the house (because they probably can't stand each other) and I would hear them laugh from each room at the same scenes, because the laugh track told them to do so.

I remember hearing "ha! Did you see that!" being yelled across the house several times. It would drive me insane. It was the first moments of me realizing I needed to move the fuck out of their house when I was like 15.



★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I really think taking your beloved title character and then opening the new season up with his funeral and all the characters shitting on him is fucking hilarious.

Like none of the jokes are funny themselves, but the concept is gold:

The only funny part about that is seeing Caprica Six saying "Vaginal Warts"


Hosting Brunch at a Night Club.
Used to put it in the background back when it aired.
Only remember laughing at this scene.
