Truth and Reconciliation between @CQ_1 and @Rutherford_b_Blaze


I am typing this teary eyed crying and shaking
While @CQ_1 is busy fending off agents of Satan that shit post, he has been unable to make the time to apologize to his once closest friend and ally @Rutherford_b_Blaze for mutherfucking him earlier in the week. The rift has rocked the Friendcels. @Rutherford_b_Blaze is no longer ribbing or coming to the defense of @CQ_1 or even offering words of encouragement. @gassers is the only one ribbing @CQ_1 on his kamikaze mission to stop the shitting up of Owen and I fear this may cause a further rift amongst the Friendcels.

I just wanted to take this opportunity to bring two friends back together. Go ahead @CQ_1 and say what you would like to say to @Rutherford_b_Blaze


Gassers/Say "Cookie" Alt
I’m not sure if it was Cugine or someone else that came up with Friendcel but it has been working my ribs like a heavy bag for days now


I am typing this teary eyed crying and shaking