Tony must have thought i wasnt coming back


you taking my quinn bit from when i was calling out alt accounts boy?

you creative zilch, go draw things that other people drew better

Do you take us for a gang of brainless lizards? Rich hoodlums? Dilettante thugs?

You lazy cocksucker. The time has come & gone when cheapjack scum like you can get away with the kind of scams you got rich from in the past.

Your type is a dime a dozen around here, Tony, and I’m fucked if I’m going to stand for it any longer.



Harry's Manly Calvester

Wetting Zoomers since 2023
Despite being a greasy wop who thinks he's white, I will stand by that Snake is by far the most talented artist.

Although the one dude who drew the "Artie Joe Cumia's himself with a frying pan" is a close second and crushes a nigga's ribs


Despite being a greasy wop who thinks he's white, I will stand by that Snake is by far the most talented artist.

Although the one dude who drew the "Artie Joe Cumia's himself with a frying pan" is a close second and crushes a nigga's ribs
I don’t know where you got this shit I’m half wop, but let’s go with that.

We’re an artistic LGBT community. I never saw it as a contest. There’s plenty of shit that other people did that fractured my ribs more than any praise my stuff deserved.

Riccardo Bosi

watches seasons 3-9 all the time, child.
I don’t know where you got this shit I’m half wop, but let’s go with that.
FWIW I thought you were a wop because one time we talked about how the only good non-Asian food that's left is wop food... or something.