Tommy Two Suck, Gay Rodeo Clown


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Submitter found this on r/GayCowboys; top weekly submission on that sub they say. Why isn't Patrick proud of his father? Tommy made a lot of men very happy back in his rodeo stall gloryhole days, an achievement that a gay son like Rick should frankly be proud of.



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He does seem to have a little more energy to come up with something other than his copypasta threats compared to usual but that could be because he thinks his Tiny Tim book is about to come out and take America by storm.
He’s drunk. Notice the spelling mistakes.

My theory is that these long responses call when Pat is drunk and brooding. Then some stlaker texts him and he thinks “time to really teach this guy a lesson”.

Riccardo Bosi

watches seasons 3-9 all the time, child.
Pat should be proud that ol' Tommy Tomlinson sucked off that many men to completion, and for no money. Rodeo clowning made a lot of money back in the 80s.