Tommy Tomlinson: George Carlin superfan, instilled that love into his gay & retarded son

Brooke Shields

Patrick Tomlinson hates me because I am a woman


Five Sink Gangster Cribs
"...and then he told me to keep kicking them in the nuts, child."
My parents' fridge has had a piece of construction paper held in place by magnets for something like 20 years. In fading Sharpie marker, it reads #KKTITN. It stands for "Keep Kicking Them In The Nuts."

It's our family mantra. It's why I fight. And why I never stop.

Riccardo Bosi

watches seasons 3-9 all the time, child.
My parents' fridge has had a piece of construction paper held in place by magnets for something like 20 years. In fading Sharpie marker, it reads #KKTITN. It stands for "Keep Kicking Them In The Nuts."

It's our family mantra. It's why I fight. And why I never stop.

"Keep killing them if they're niggers"!? literally shaking rn


Professional leech since 1994. Anyone can do it.
If there's one person who would've hated what the world's become, it's Carlin. Fuck, he hated the way the world had gone back in the 90s/early 00s. If he was still around today, I guarantee he'd be speaking out against all this trans/non binary lunacy and Patrick would be declaring him a nazi on Twitter.

Do you really think somebody once said about anorexics "Rich cunts don't wanna eat? Fuck 'em" would've had any tolerance for you and your kind, Rick? Carlin would absolutely hate everything you are and stand for, you hateable fucking pig. And no, your father wasn't at that show, lying retard.


Stand Alone Fruit
If there's one person who would've hated what the world's become, it's Carlin. Fuck, he hated the way the world had gone back in the 90s/early 00s. If he was still around today, I guarantee he'd be speaking out against all this trans/non binary lunacy and Patrick would be declaring him a nazi on Twitter.

Do you really think somebody once said about anorexics "Rich cunts don't wanna eat? Fuck 'em" would've had any tolerance for you and your kind, Rick? Carlin would absolutely hate everything you are and stand for, you hateable fucking pig. And no, your father wasn't at that show, lying retard.
That’s something I’ve said for a while, these types like Pat that call Carlin one of the greatest would hate him if he was around today because he’d up there with Dave Chappelle or Joe Rogan on a controversy level (not comparing their comedy, just the types to speak out)

Carlin wasn’t against one group, he just pointed out hypocrisy and it’s on both sides political, especially now. Plus Carlin died before social media activists and he would shit on people like Pat if he was still alive with their “slack-tivism” of posting hashtags while sitting on a couch. Plus I don’t think Carlin was a fan of guys who wear their hat backwards and day drink.


Stand Alone Fruit
If you ever went deep with the Georgie, you would know he hinted at jewish powers controlling the government and cracking down on free speech. He called them the "real owners of this country"
Not that some simpleton poser faggot like Patrick would ever pick that up
I remember that, something along the lines of we don’t have free speech because there’s certain people / groups we can’t criticize. That’s how you know who’s in charge. I remember maybe year or two ago DeSean Jackson got in trouble for some anti semitic post and how you’re not allowed to say anything bad about Jewish people in charge and they put him in line real quick.