

★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
It was the best one for a few seasons. On one hand it was back to its old self, fucking with the audience in a way they don't expect, but on the other hand it was still a Tegridy farms episode.


Knee Deep in the Hoopla
There was a couple of moments I thought would have some of the good old fashioned violence from earlier seasons but they didn't.
It was the best one for a few seasons. On one hand it was back to its old self, fucking with the audience in a way they don't expect, but on the other hand it was still a Tegridy farms episode.
I hate how they took Randy and made him an annoying pot farmer. He was one of my favorite characters when he was just Stan's dumb dad.

Uncle Floyd

Nice try, Floyd.
I hate how they took Randy and made him an annoying pot farmer. He was one of my favorite characters when he was just Stan's dumb dad.
His stupidity comes to a head. It was bound to happen, him destroying the entire town, but I thought the weed farmer angle was lame.


Still spreading the O&A virus
I hate how they took Randy and made him an annoying pot farmer. He was one of my favorite characters when he was just Stan's dumb dad.
One of the creators of South Park owns a weed farm and rumors are that he invested nearly ALL of his money into it. The recent deal with Paramount+ was to allegedly get him out of debt. Fucking pothead retard bankrupted himself of his South Park money.


Ain't it fun?
They only release them online a week after they air so I haven't seen it yet. I thought the Covid specials were really over-the-top with the humor but they had their moments with relentlessly shitting on China - I can't argue putting that on TV takes some balls.

Randy going on a bender with Mickey Mouse and raping Winnie the Pooh. I mean come on guys.