Today's soup is black bean and tortilla! (This is the worst looking food yet.)


I am the man with no name...


12 paramedics couldnt save ur fuckin life boy
No no no no no. The last time, they upgraded their crackers from Sysco crackers to Kellogg's Zesta!


I assumed this was a small but important step in improving the quality of Hooligans food and taking pride in the food you serve to your customers. Nope, right back to Sysco crackers.

Clearly this means a Hooligans employee dined at a better establishment, saved two packets of Zesta crackers and falsely advertised them. They'd bait a sucker like me with the Zesta and then oopsie doodles we ran out, here's your Sysco crackers buddy!

Lamont & Tonelli

Brevity is... wit.
I got annoyed at this post's hyperbole ("This is the worst looking food yet!") but the addition of large intestinal parasites has really elevated this piece of shit. It's gone from "soup" to "threat".
Same. More than once I've been sure I'd already seen the worst Hooligan's had to offer, and then I see the photo and need to rethink things.
Everything in the Fativerse is subject to bonus entropy, because he's fat.