TikTok videos annoy the shit out of me



> Niggery rap song
> Someone acts retarded
> Snap cut punchline




I’ve wasted countless hours watching worthless whores, great edging material :image_9248:



vine had some great stuff on it, tiktok is pure cancer and too formulaic. also its grooming kids.
Vine ruled. The problem with tik tok is whenever someone sends me one, they are just too fuckin long. Vine was great because 5-6 seconds you can get a laugh or move on. Considering a lot of people from vine ended up making it big on youtube and now tik tok, i guess vine failed because they were retarded and couldnt leverage their popular people correctly

Mitch Weaver

Wave bye bye, staIker
Vine ruled. The problem with tik tok is whenever someone sends me one, they are just too fuckin long. Vine was great because 5-6 seconds you can get a laugh or move on. Considering a lot of people from vine ended up making it big on youtube and now tik tok, i guess vine failed because they were retarded and couldnt leverage their popular people correctly


I have a face like a shovel
I for one am SHOCKED that this forum (that is clearly a bastion for liberal zoomers) would ever house a thread titled "TikTok videos annoy the shit out of me"



Shock Jock
How is it still going strong but Vine didn't?
I could geek out about Vine right now

I loved the first couple of years that Vine came out because while there were some people making comedy/artsy stuff, it was mostly high school kids my age just taking random 6 second clips of everyday life.
The anti-instagram. Just a great time capsule of that time in my life and of the dumb, random, raw moments.

Then, it started being exploited by people to launch their D list acting/comedy careers and it got gay as fuck. I hate social media with a passion but have a soft spot for 2013/14 era Vine
The amount of adults I've seen lip-synching on the platform is utterly retarded. Not even songs, just random chunks of dialogue from other TikToks.