This song is 40 years old


I never got into Prince, someone explain his appeal to me. I know he was a very talented musician on many different instruments but his music always sounded very overproduced to me and never really ‘got’ me.
I think you gotta appreciate the glam/rock combo to get him in that era. His androgeny was mysterious and sultry; the opposite of how faggy kids nowadays try to portray themselves as 'nonbinary'.


Shock Jock
I never got into Prince, someone explain his appeal to me. I know he was a very talented musician on many different instruments but his music always sounded very overproduced to me and never really ‘got’ me.
Prince and Michael Jackson came along at the right time. The 70s had just come to a close, disco had just died a brutal death and there was a vacuum of music. They capitalized

Mitch Weaver

Wave bye bye, staIker
First black homo to play the guitar.
Not so.

Riccardo Bosi

watches seasons 3-9 all the time, child.
I never got into Prince, someone explain his appeal to me. I know he was a very talented musician on many different instruments but his music always sounded very overproduced to me and never really ‘got’ me.
I agree. I acknowledge Prince as being great, but his music doesn't make me feel anything.