This new forum


Professional leech since 1994. Anyone can do it.
I like it a lot. Nice clean design. Doesn't feel like something straight from 2004 like some of our past forums yet is also different enough to gay Reddit to feel like our home.

Overall 9.5/10.

One of our resident females should definitely blow Quasi before the jacuzzi for his efforts these past couple of years.


Glow nigger. Got any of those IPs for me?
Nice screen shot 👍👌

I wasnt to retarded to find that n unchecked the "REACT TO YOUR PROFILE POST" one but just know that 2/3 of this forum can't figure out password

Btw where is quisa101 the guy with the old forum I have some un kind thing to say to him
Sex change. We all donated for xer transition to help keep us out of prison. Look for the one sitting funny now going by quasette101.