This needs its own thread. It really pisses me off.



I relistened to it recently and picked up on a funny part where he’s been talking about the GANGSTALKERS :fighter_sm: non stop for about 5 mins. Then he says ‘it usually takes a few days to really sink in (for people he tells this about)’. I just imagine he noticed total blank, disinterested, unempathetic expressions, from those 2 hosts
I'm listening again for more gold nuggets as well. I love how Jake gets his name wrong: "Patrick Tomlison".
"That's not my name, host stlaker".


29:50 Patrick explains the Twitter issue and how he had to pay 5000 dollars for his account back. He sounds fucking deranged hahahaha.


Then check out Jaimie's reaction to his twitter ranting at 31:28 hahahaha. She does not give a fuck.


The whole video is extremely interesting due to his body language and speech. I would love for one of the youtube body language experts to pick through it, commenting on when they thought he was speaking truthfully.
At some point he is talking about the stalkers impersonating him etc. he is quite level in his delivery, as soon as gets to the bit about they make him out to be a racist he has a very weird laugh. Almost expected him to wipe his forehead and tug at his neckline cartoon style.