This midget jew faggot lied right to Jordan "Never Tell a Lie" Peterson's face.




Jordan Peterson's favorite author is Dostoevsky. Everyone who's seen a Peterson lecture know this. The midget jew faggot really wanted Jordan to like him, so casually asked, "soooo... I personally think the best book ever written is Brothers Karamazov" and smugly grinned, waiting for JP's load on his face.

Jordan asked if he thinks it's better than Crime & Punishment. Midget jew faggot had not read Crime & Punishment. But didn't want JP to think less of him, so quickly replied "yep". JP asked why he thinks that.. Midget jew faggot had no response, so said "oh... Brothers Karamazov have characters that remind me of my friends." Yeah, that's not a reason why Crime & Punishment isn't as good, midget jew faggot.

Jordan then brought the topic back to Crime & Punishment. Midget jew faggot nervously laughed and replied with nothing. Because he has not read the book.

Jordan talked about his two favorite characters from Brothers Karamazov. Midget jew faggot's response? "You know... those characters were geniuses of their time, a lot like you, Jordan. You're the genius of our time."

Complete faggot.


Never fawkin' liked that Lex guy if I'm being totally honest with ya. Insecure little faggot who created a character for himself, total fawkin' phony. Even watching that clip, the whole cadence, tone of voice, it all comes off as fake. He's also struggling hard describing even the Brothers Karamazov that it reminds me of myself in college stumbling through explaining something I skimmed or read cliff notes of and was asked to talk about.

Riccardo Bosi

watches seasons 3-9 all the time, child.
I've never read Dostoevsky, but I've listened to people doing dissertations and having discussions about his work. I'm sure the English translations would suffice, but without a fair knowledge of Russian history and Orthodox Christian theology it seems like a lot of the references would be lost. I'll probably get around to reading this shit when I'm an old man and just want peace and quiet, because I don't know if I have the patience.

So yeah, this guy's a cunt and sounds like he didn't read any of it. Brothers Karamazov I think is his second most well known so he said that was his favourite just to be different and interesting, but usually fans of Dostoevsky will bring up 'The Idiot' as one of his better ones with some preferring it to Crime & Punishment.