This isnt funny

I hate our culture. All content is just marketing.

My generation got completely brainwashed by the media overload of the internet. Not only do we watch commercials for entertainment, but have lost the capacity to enjoy anything of substance. Nothing but connect the dopamine dots nonsense.

Then again, I haven't eaten much today so maybe I'm just grumpy.

The Fuchitive

Still alive as of January 2024
I recognize him from the show!

BB conventions where people turn up dressed like their favorite character and speculate about the "BB universe" probably exist and I hate them without even confirming it's true.

It’s true. Stay off Instagram.
This ruins every scene he was cool in in both shows

They did the same shit to Gus and Lalo

Queefer Sutherland

Fix me, Josh!
Fanboism and parasocial relationships have ruined entertainment. I'm surprised that all the celeb stalking murders happened in the 70's/80's. I guess they turn to school shootings instead.