They're gonna pull the fawkin plug on Anne Heche


Human garbage
It's weird, she was conscious when they put her into the amberlamps and you could see her on the stretcher almost like attacking the EMTs. Now she's in a coma with a severe brain injury and they're going to take her off life support? Something doesn't fawkin add up. Where we at with faking ones death? Wonder what she knows

Edit: she past


It's weird, she was conscious when they put her into the amberlamps and you could see her on the stretcher almost like attacking the EMTs. Now she's in a coma with a severe brain injury and they're going to take her off life support? Something doesn't fawkin add up. Where we at with faking ones death? Wonder what she knows

Edit: she past
Not weird at all. She was fucked up on booze, coke, and fentanyl so she wouldn't have been feeling much pain. Also, severe burns cause a lot of complications throughout the body that don't set in immediately. After the drugs wore off and the effects of the burns started to set in, she probably went into shock and an extreme inflammatory response which would have shut her organs down and restricted blood flow throughout her body. People who get badly burned also usually develop pneumonia so her lungs probably filled with fluuuuuuuid. All that combined adds up to pretty definite brain death. Burns are a real motherfucker, man.
I saw a story today about the woman whose house she destroyed. She had just enough time to grab her pets and run outside, then stood there watching her house and everything in it burn, all thanks to that whacked-out crazy cunt. "But you can replace a house"...easy for someone who still has one to say. At least she didn't kill anyone else, although it was close.


Not weird at all. She was fucked up on booze, coke, and fentanyl so she wouldn't have been feeling much pain. Also, severe burns cause a lot of complications throughout the body that don't set in immediately. After the drugs wore off and the effects of the burns started to set in, she probably went into shock and an extreme inflammatory response which would have shut her organs down and restricted blood flow throughout her body. People who get badly burned also usually develop pneumonia so her lungs probably filled with fluuuuuuuid. All that combined adds up to pretty definite brain death. Burns are a real motherfucker, man.
Yeah her flailing around was basically a ghost to be honest whicha


(Voluntarily) torqued boomer
Thoughts and prayers


I forgot she was in Donnie Brasco. She was totally believable as a wife who was such a cunt that volunteering to go undercover for years in the mafia and risking your life on a daily basis was a favourable option to staying home with her.
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Smeckler's Powder

Sweet powder eases the pain
Not weird at all. She was fucked up on booze, coke, and fentanyl so she wouldn't have been feeling much pain. Also, severe burns cause a lot of complications throughout the body that don't set in immediately. After the drugs wore off and the effects of the burns started to set in, she probably went into shock and an extreme inflammatory response which would have shut her organs down and restricted blood flow throughout her body. People who get badly burned also usually develop pneumonia so her lungs probably filled with fluuuuuuuid. All that combined adds up to pretty definite brain death. Burns are a real motherfucker, man.

so you're saying never stop doing blow? Like, ever?


The Backbone of America
I saw a story today about the woman whose house she destroyed. She had just enough time to grab her pets and run outside, then stood there watching her house and everything in it burn, all thanks to that whacked-out crazy cunt. "But you can replace a house"...easy for someone who still has one to say. At least she didn't kill anyone else, although it was close.
If I was that woman, the only happy thought in my mind right now would be that the cunt who burned my life down was suffering.

But I'm not, so thoughts n prayers.