The Wagie Fight Song

Brooke Shields

Patrick Tomlinson hates me because I am a woman
saw a dude kick out some black immigrant lady who was waiting in the entrance area where all the carts are
No idea what she was doing or who was in the right, I was just leaving while seeing it and he was just shouting at her to go outside and he went and rolled her cart outside

what i'm trying to say is Walmart's not all that bad


ask to see your receipt? are you black, a tramp, or both?
Neither and it's one of the many reasons I try to avoid the dumb fucking place. They try to stop as many people as they possibly can now. The retard "greeter" stares blankly at the receipt for a couple of seconds then at whatever you have and hands the receipt back. A single Walmart has hundreds, if not over a thousand cameras throughout the store now. Multiple in every aisle, on the ceilings, at the self-checkouts, and outside of the store. Pisses me off when I see people stop for it. There's absolutely no reason for it. The person doing the checking is always some wormy looking beta faggot or a disgusting, ugly blue haired dyke.