The tragedy of Pat's life.



Adrienne started dating Pat just after high school, and they were together until they were 30.

Just think about that for a second

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A lot of people here are over 30. Imagine your high school sweetheart from that long ago marrying you, getting pregnant by you, and then cheating on you and leaving.

If that happened to me, I'd probably go crazy too.

Then if something miraculous happened, like I actually found a second life partner a month later, and I got a book deal that could make me famous, I'd probably be at church every day thanking the Lord for this comeback.

But then that all comes crashing down as well. One day youre making happy go lucky videos at gencon, the next the police are at your door with their hands on their guns while your wife has AIDs from all the afro farts.

Salted Earth Truffle

Eric Hildeman poked my no-no hole when I was 5
Imagine your high school sweetheart from that long ago marrying you, getting pregnant by you, and then cheating on you and leaving.
This actually happened to friends of mine from HS. They were together since age 15, basically part of one another’s families and a couple we all thought would be together forever. They got married at 22 and couple years later he sold the house behind her back and left her for his employee. These are turbo-Catholics btw but thank God they had no kids.

Two years after the divorce, he came crawling back and she remarried him. Now they have kids and AFAIK are still together after 15+ years remarried. Pat would take Adrienne back in a heartbeat if he thought she’d have him. She was his first, better beard.

Salted Earth Truffle

Eric Hildeman poked my no-no hole when I was 5
Don't forget the ballistic shields too, child. They're literally trying to kill me!! :image_9250:
Imagine thinking your LARP as a real life tough guy is convincing when you cry on TV about a fucking shield. Pat lives with a woman and multiple felines and he’s the biggest, fattest pussy of the bunch.