@the torquie de lard


12 paramedics couldnt save ur fuckin life boy

Discuss this picture that you lied about. Justify the cuddling. Lie again that the victim admitted they made it all up, hoping nobody would google it.

I fucking hate pedophiles, you defend and enable them.


Gassers/Say "Cookie" Alt

Discuss this picture that you lied about. Justify the cuddling. Lie again that the victim admitted they made it all up, hoping nobody would google it.

I fucking hate pedophiles, you defend and enable them.

meme (1).png

Smeckler's Powder

Sweet powder eases the pain
Isn't that the one whose dad tried framing other mother fuckers too? If he's as much of a nutcase as he apparently was, he probably told his kid to blow TKOP, let alone to "cuddle" when being filmed and shit. Hopefully that kid just didn't get to the point he was gonna try to blow TKOP, although, I'm sure TKOP would have called his folks and told them what their fucked up kid tried to do to him.


How could anyone suggest otherwise, unless they were a kike-sucker?



12 paramedics couldnt save ur fuckin life boy
Bro, you still haven't told us how old you are. You're probably 50 and want to have sex with a girl who was fed hormone blockers. Shame on you.

"You're probably". There's the problem.

Patrick is asked why he defends his pedophile friend Dominic. "You're probably a pedo" he says back.

Stick to the fucking topic you pedo enabler. But... but... but... Jenna! Defend YOUR position on the subject instead of resorting to no u bullshit. You justify the rape of 7-year-old boys.


12 paramedics couldnt save ur fuckin life boy
Answer the question, sicky! How old are you? Why do you find girls on puberty blockers to be sexy?

Look who didn't quote me so I wouldn't get the notification and once again deflects from the topic of men/boy cuddle sessions.

Funny how when we stay on topic, you just reveal more red flags about yourself. Just like Patrick. When the questions get tough, stick to your retarded NPC lines, you don't want to slip up and admit you steal little boy's underwear to sniff.

Riccardo Bosi

watches seasons 3-9 all the time, child.
Look who didn't quote me so I wouldn't get the notification and once again deflects from the topic of men/boy cuddle sessions.

Funny how when we stay on topic, you just reveal more red flags about yourself. Just like Patrick. When the questions get tough, stick to your retarded NPC lines, you don't want to slip up and admit you steal little boy's underwear to sniff.
Nigger, it's your thread you stupid pedophile.


Charming, funny, and witty, atalker.
Isn't that the one whose dad tried framing other mother fuckers too? If he's as much of a nutcase as he apparently was, he probably told his kid to blow TKOP, let alone to "cuddle" when being filmed and shit. Hopefully that kid just didn't get to the point he was gonna try to blow TKOP, although, I'm sure TKOP would have called his folks and told them what their fucked up kid tried to do to him.


How could anyone suggest otherwise, unless they were a kike-sucker?

It took me to the end of the first paragraph to figure out what TKOP meant.

The King of Paedos, amirite?


12 paramedics couldnt save ur fuckin life boy
Nigger, it's your thread you stupid pedophile.

What other famous pedophiles do you support?

I support zero famous pedos, but I'll still admit Chinatown is a good movie and the Ignition (remix) slaps. You can still enjoy the art without passionately defending the pedo who made it. I'm not gonna claim R Kelly's victims are all liars and the Jews set him up.


Gassers/Say "Cookie" Alt
What other famous pedophiles do you support?

I support zero famous pedos, but I'll still admit Chinatown is a good movie and the Ignition (remix) slaps. You can still enjoy the art without passionately defending the pedo who made it. I'm not gonna claim R Kelly's victims are all liars and the Jews set him up.
Why did you have to make that distinction of only not supporting famous pedos, that implies you support pedos who aren't famous instead.

"I support zero famous pedos" that statement and distinction is really telling.

Supporting famous pedos would draw too much attention to your sick perverted way of thinking.

But we are on to you motherfucker.
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12 paramedics couldnt save ur fuckin life boy
Why did you have to make that distinction of only not supporting famous pedos, that implies you support pedos who aren't famous instead.

"I support zero famous pedos" that statement and distinction is really telling.

Supporting famous pedos would draw too much attention to your sick perverted way of thinking.

But we are on to you motherfucker.

I support zero pedos!

See, it's easy to come out and just say that. See how I didn't deflect and make a shitty insult about Lucy Lawless. It's hard for some people to denounce kidfucking, but for me it's easy!