The "stupidest thing you have ever done" thread

Getting addicted to OTC percocet was a bit of an oopsie doodle on my part.

Also, and at the same time, bulk buying modafinil and taking that every day until I induced monomania but not realising what was happening and thinking that my third eye had opened was, in retrospect, an act of silly goosery.


#1 Poster
Getting addicted to OTC percocet was a bit of an oopsie doodle on my part.

Also, and at the same time, bulk buying modafinil and taking that every day until I induced monomania but not realising what was happening and thinking that my third eye had opened was, in retrospect, an act of silly goosery.
This reminds me of the time I took too much amphetamines for months on end and uploaded a pic of my shrivelled dick on a forum


Hair gel? What were you? 15?
18. They even took me to court and had the Crown (prosecutor) read out the stolen product. He loffed out loud while I was stewing behind the glass containment zone for reprobate criminals
