The new Scream was fucking shit


Give Me Some Money
I don't agree.

There were things I didn't like but for a fifth entry into a horror franchise it was great. The lead girl wasn't good but Jenna Ortega who played her younger sister was great.

The hospital kill was pretty memorable as well.


Professional leech since 1994. Anyone can do it.
Is there a single franchise that hasn't been wrecked by now?

Not that Scream was some precious franchise to begin with but the original movies, particularly the first one, were very enjoyable for their time. Fucking kikeywood won't greenlight anything these days unless it's a rehash or comic book shite.


Nighs Wonger, Stupid
Your avatar makes me horny to the point of being uncomfortable. Please delete said avatar before you accused of felony avatar harassment, atalker.

But seriously who the fuck is that?

Jenna Ortega, 19 going on 20, not going to jail! Nobody who supports Grandma Christina Ricci can't say a goddamn thing to me and they know it.

You can join the religion too. This isn't about upribs or circlejerks or official invitations or sitting at the right lunch table. Embrace her as your avatar, come up with a pun half as good as "social justice warrior princess" (I got a lot more, summer of ortega, mandatory attendance) and post like it's coming from her mouth.