The New Normal


★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Remember back in the early days Pat would be feverishly attacking any place that made fun of him

Now this place, Kiwifarms, Cumtown and reddit are regulary making fun of Pat and he just has to learn to live with it. I haven't had a picture DMCAd since reddit.


Professional leech since 1994. Anyone can do it.
He assumed once he got us kicked off Reddit, that'd be it. We'd just walk away with our tail between our legs and he'd be the victor. He was even posting celebratory tweets about it on Twitter at the time. Then he thought he could go tattliing to different web hosts to get us kicked off the internet for good. When that didn't work, he thought he was taking the nuclear option with his lawsuit. That would be his ultimate revenge and couldn't possibly fail. Well, we know how that went.

I just have one question for Patty - u mad?

Harry Powell

Semen is the aggression of a man
He assumed once he got us kicked off Reddit, that'd be it. We'd just walk away with our tail between our legs and he'd be the victor. He was even posting celebratory tweets about it on Twitter at the time. Then he thought he could go tattliing to different web hosts to get us kicked off the internet for good. When that didn't work, he thought he was taking the nuclear option with his lawsuit. That would be his ultimate revenge and couldn't possibly fail. Well, we know how that went.

I just have one question for Patty - u mad?
He thinks Reddit was a victory for him, when it was that faggot Thomas.

he’s always saying we “mess with the wrong person finally” etc

when we have categorically kicked his ass across the board.