The Matrix Blue Pill/Red Pill



That scene has caused a huge impact on da world, especially the Internet.
But did anyone notice it's fucking retarded in that it has nothing to do with the plot? Those pills don't come up again in that movie. He could've just said "do you want to do this or not?"
That movie kinda blows in hindsight.


Blackface Killah
The Matrix is and always was an inflated pile of shit. Even back in the day, I was trashing that dumb fucking movie. I knew too many faggots in high school that bought the fuckface sunglasses, jackets, etc that were in that movie.

Techno sucks and that movie was lame. Faggot ass movie

Feltch My Ass

Dan posting, it’s what’s for Dinner
I like how they didn’t put Morpheus in the new one

But no one could call racism cause the Directors are Trannies and that trumps black male

Also his daughter got fucked by Bryan Pumper and had a rowdy white head on her ass cheek. I think Bryan popped it and ate it, or I could be making that up.

Either way, pills are cool

Opie Army

I coulda been a mawdull
I've never seen the Matrix, any of them. The trailer for the first one looked stupid & I was already a sci-fi hater by the time it came out. I wasn't surprised that the dudes that wrote that movie cut their dicks off.


Holding hands in a circle of N-words
Did the pills even do anything? He took the pill and Morpheus still walked Neo into another room where he was vigorously sodomized while people watched.
If I remember the movie right, the red pill was some kind of tracker program they could use to locate him in the real world. Doesn't matter tho. Movie's still gay fucking shit.


Still spreading the O&A virus
The pills are a reference to Total Recall. Where the psychiatrist tells Arnold to take the pill or he will remain in the dream state forever. In a coma and will never wake up. Arnold rejects the pill and so his character remains in a coma forever. Trapped in his spy hero dream until he becomes brain dead.

Riccardo Bosi

watches seasons 3-9 all the time, child.
It's retarded because usually, a negro doesn't come along and ask you whether or not you wish to be redpilled or not.

You don't get redpilled one time, it happens more and more as you get older and pay more attention to things. Some people might start or progress with a faggot like Nietzsche, but you get more redpilled when you find out that Dostoevsky was talking about the same shit a decade or so prior, but actually came to a superior conclusion. Then, your mind jumps, and you realise that the powers that be figured they had to slaughter the Russians for having figured out how the world works under English imperialism and Darwinism.

The Matrix is retarded because Neo doesn't really get redpilled. He figures out that everything is a sham, sure, but then he can hack his way into learning kung fu. It's a cool movie in some ways, but it's also retarded.


#1 Poster
it's fucking retarded in that it has nothing to do with the plot
